*cleanin d spidey web*
Hahahha :)
For supa dupa long time i've neva updated my blog n for now,
wat lar,SPM cumin duh....!
cant blame me for not updatin it rite?
hahahha oh,+++++ u noe wat?
I'm LAZY though!!!!!!! :)
Actually ALOT of things had happened ever since d last post :)
* winks to ariel,gloria n few of dem who noes wat i meant ;) *
Got lar,byk benda mau ckp ni tapi x tau b'mula dari mana lar!
I summarize it in 1 post allrite?? :p
-I've met sum1 which is so special to me n i just duno how to describe it :)
Tiz person rily hypnotize me...chehwah.....hahaha!
*showoff* :p
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>wana know more?canot lar...ini saya punya secret lar *evil laugh*
-Thn spm lor....
mau blajar pun malas.....
nex time duno mau jadi apa in d future wen i got my shit result in spm :p
-Thn raya holiday time go zoo negara...
*juz dun ask me y*
den...all the animals very maju n open minded ady har??
can make out infront of d visitors sumore!
chill lah deyh...i noe u guys very hyper n mau showoff...
but...dun lar k....
kalau budak nampak kan x baik...
-Thn nex bout prom...
now my frens n i were organising seniour prom for our skul f5 students...
U guys come n join d fun tau!
I bet u all WILL SURE REGRET if dint go!
Hahahahha *dun tat sounds tempting to u?* ;p
We've done alot of stuff to make this thing look the best.
So jgn kedekut!
Join n have fun that nite yar :)
I tink i better stop here cuz.....
i got nothin to write d lar 4 now....
cakap byk buat apekan? ;p
dun worry...will update from time to time.
i guess ;p!